Used to prevent wheezing, difficulty in breathing, chest tightness and coughing caused by asthma.
Also used to prevent bronchospasm( breathing difficulties) during exercise in adults and children 6 years of age and older.
For Asthma (taken in the evening):
Adults and adolescents (15 years and older): 10 mg once daily
Children (6–14 years): 5 mg chewable tablet once daily
Children (2–5 years): 4 mg chewable tablet or 4 mg oral granules once daily
Children (6 months–2 years): 4 mg oral granules once daily (for certain indications like allergic rhinitis)
For Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction:
Adults and adolescents (15 years and older): 10 mg at least 2 hours before exercise (do not take an additional dose within 24 hours)
Children (6–14 years): 5 mg at least 2 hours before exercise
For Allergic Rhinitis (seasonal or perennial):
- Same dosing as for asthma based on age
Warnings & Precautions:
Neuropsychiatric Effects: Montelukast may cause mood changes, depression, agitation, or suicidal thoughts. Contact a healthcare provider immediately if these occur.
Allergic Reactions: Rare cases of systemic eosinophilia and other allergic conditions have been reported.